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Thursday, July 30, 2009


I was break in two choices
Whether to do my will
Or to what God's will

I am afraid to do the latter
But more afraid not to obey the Master

In the cross I was delivered
Creating a relationship-He initiated
Obedience is all that He wanted
His calling must be responded

"But Lord", I cried, "I do not what and how
My Lord, lead me to avoid the foul
Bring me to a place
Where Your name will be praise

O Lord, forgive me
In expressing I often fail to frame
I'm afraid to disgrace Your name
Help me Your salvation be proclaim

My Lord, my Lord, the moment I plan to back-out
Keep my feet, may Your presence be standout!

If I lack the courage
Leaving me in the edge
Take me, O Lord
Feed me with Your Word

This duty I am new
The knowledge I have are very few
Teach me O God what will I do

My Lord, I need Your guidance
I need Your Words for the assurance
Keep me on the go
And lead me where to go.."